Things you need to know

  • You'll receive a confirmation email once your order is placed, followed by a second email containing your tracking information once your order has been shipped from our warehouse.

  • In the unlikely event that you don't receive your order after the stated delivery timeframe, or your order is damaged when it arrives, please contact us as soon as you are aware and no longer than 7 days from the delivery date stated on your tracking.

  • We currently only ship to the following places:
    Malaysia, Singapore

Can I make a change to my order?

Unfortunately, we’re unable to make any changes to your order once you've hit 'Place Order' at checkout, this includes:

  • Changing the item or size
  • Delivery/billing address
  • Adding/removing items to your order
  • Shipping method

If you need further assistance, please reach out to us via our contact page.

How do I track my order?

You'll receive an email once your order has shipped titled "Your Order is on the way", containing your tracking link.

What if my tracking hasn't updated?

No stress! Tracking numbers typically update with couriers every 24-48 hours, however, additional delays may occur while your order is in transit.

If you've realised that you've entered an incorrect or incomplete address, please see HERE.

If your tracking hasn't updated in a few days, don't panic, your order should still be on the way to you. However, if your tracking hasn't updated in 6+ working days please get in touch with our Customer Support team who will be able to assist you.